Welcome to our Local Women's Collective!
We offer in-person events, our August Women's Gathering, and host a bad-ass Women's Business Directory.
The Temple of Belonging Bio-Regional Gathering is a four-night, five-day immersion into local & women-powered culture, where we gather to build and tend to real community and connection here in the Pacific Northwest.
It’s a mix of gathering, retreat, and conference—a place where ancient ways meet modern lives in a grounded, living practice of community and belonging.
Step into a warm, intimate space designed to bring you back to yourself, to deepen bonds with others, and to touch the source that connects us all. This all-inclusive retreat honors women in a way that feels natural and alive, echoing the rhythms of our collective wisdom, wellness, and wildness.
​This Space Offers:
Curated Workshops and Wisdom Shares by Local Women
Crafts and Skill-Share
Morning Yoga, QiGong and Meditation
Incredible and Nourishing Meals
Spa, Wellness and Tattoo Offerings
Evening Song & Ceremonies
Tea Lounge
Kids Camp & Lodge
Mama's Den
High-Class yet Rustic Amenities
Camping, Swimming Holes and Nature Trails
Woman-Only Space
Supportive Collective of Local Women
This isn’t just an event; it’s a place to ground in the joy and diversity of being women—mothers, daughters, elders, sisters, and friends. Here, we’re weaving a sense of belonging that grows from the inside out.
Join us in what has become one of the Pacific Northwest’s most cherished women’s gatherings—The Temple of Belonging. Step into this one-of-a-kind experience to reconnect, remember, and transform in the company of real, inspiring women.
What you can expect:
4 days camping
under the stars
Women Centered Wisdom and Workshops
Ancestral Craft
and Skill Building
Nourishing, Organic Retreat-Style Meals
Daily Movement and Meditation
Diverse Healing Arts Services
Local Women's
Maker's Market
Intentional Ceremony and Ritual
The Temple of Belonging
The Temple of Belonging- from the witch tarot by Agni Sullins:
The Church of Fitting In is a tattered doctrine pedaling
the snake oil of self-improvement
it sustains its dying creed from your contortions
of worthiness bending for approval
twisting for appreciation
bowing and scraping in hopes of sanction
through the blood-art of performance
prettiness and productivity its prophets of profit
believe you are less than and grow rich from the spoils
of your complicit agreement
when you believe their creed, you'll purchase the diet
conceal the flaws tweeze the unwanted
shave the unsatisfying girdle your nature deny your deep joy sacrifice your pleasure on the altar of pleasing others
and suffer the guilt of every stolen freedom
in the unholy name of fitting in
you'll reject all that doesn't grant you access
to their idea of perfection
and purchase all that does what they don't profit from
there are no riches in belonging
except for the woman who is willing to embody it
The Temple of Belonging is golden
its hallowed ground welcomes you
as both priestess and crone
and adorns your shoulders with the robes
of benefactress and beneficiary
enter the covenant of your sovereignty
become your own sanctuary
drink from the chalice of self-worth
take communion with the internal
divine swallow it down like the seasons
and seeds of Persephone's fruit
give voice to the old songs
the ones that wolf and moon and forest still sing to
dance out of Eden feet drumming the wayback
wonder and chant the holy stories
the truth older than myth
that women are the holy grail
conceiving, conjuring, and delivering
every single human being on the planet
worship at the altar of your soul's deep content
like the moon-drunk curve of lily
the garnet skin of pomegranate
the ink spill arc of raven's wing
glorious in its unfolding precisely as it is
wild, whole, free and perfect in relation only to itself
kiss your curves like a prayer
anoint your fingers with honey from your own jar
spread wings and legs and heart in flowered benediction
become a disciple of inner devotion
resurrect the silver salvation of self-respect
believe in your self and your wild holy heart
like it's a sovereign religion
it is and the world needs more missionaries.